October 31, 2008

Feels like virgin with Olive Oil?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is considerably rich in polyphenols and hydroxytyrosol, in layman's term means it has high level of antioxidant. Both these superior elements act effectively in slowing down aging process by modulating your cell plasma membrane activity.

Starting your week with a healthy diet (for guilt-free food 'cravers'):
The next time when you're preparing your own salad, reduce your high calories dressing like mayonnaise by incorporating it with more of EVOO and some fresh lemon juice. Olive oil is nutritionally a good source of antioxidants that protect your body and skin against free radicals from the inside out. Scientific evidence suggests that eating about 2 tablespoons (23 grams) of olive oil daily may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease due to the monounsaturated fat or better known as oleic acid content.

How EVOO help to improved my body appearance?
Because Olive Oil is rich in Vitamin A & E, therefore it is the best natural moisturizer which is available for the fraction of the price. Here are some basic steps:
  1. Apply a small amount of olive oil and massage gently (alternate evening before you sleep) anywhere of your dried skin areas like elbows or cracked feet. It helps tremendously in softening those hardened areas.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons of Olive Oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (freshly squeezed) into a small jar or bottle and shake to mix (store in cool & dark place with tightly sealed). Allow your hands to soak in thin with loose cotton so that the mixture can penetrate deeply into your nails and cuticles. A traditional remedy use to strengthening your nails to prevent it from breaking or flaking.
  3. Pamper your face with your self-made facial mask with some honey, 1 tablespoon of EVOO and egg yolk. Beat those ingredients until well blended. Apply it on your face and leave it for 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water to clean.
Remember, choose only organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil because is the least processed and retains the highest nutrient value.

October 29, 2008

Life begins with water....

Water is the only chemical substance that gives magic to every life forms on Earth. In fact it is water that creates human civilization. As civilization evolves, we all know that water is essential to keep us at an optimal level of health. In fact the ultimate secret to healthy radiant skin is hydrating yourself everyday with water sufficiently.

Water is the most vital element in flushing out toxins and impurities. Skin that glows often associated with drinking a healthy amount of water intake which helps to repair your dull and lackluster appearance due to minor sun damage. Nothing more important than water which promotes a decent cellular activity in producing new healthy cells.

Water also known as one of the great way in losing your fat inches. Considering water as the replacement of those high calories drink like soft drinks, juices, coffee or even alcohol, you should try supplying your body with water before each meal. Eventually you'll eat lesser because of its appetite suppressant effect.

Though many agree that drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day is the standardization in maintaining proper hydration, but it really depends on the body size, level of activity, temperature, humidity and other related factors of the individual. The latest dietary reference generally suggested that the recommended drinking amount for men are 3.0 liters (7-8 glasses) of water and 2.2 liters (6-7 glasses) for women daily. So, nourished your body with water to stay healthy.