March 8, 2009

Cucumber Gives The Wink In Summer!

Cucumber, which originated from southern Asia, it has, for centuries, been the secret ingredient in retaining youthful appearance and other variety health benefits. Traditionally, cucumber (also known as Cucumis Sativus which belongs to the same family as watermelon and pumpkin) is used as a remedy to treat acne, rheumatic conditions, fluid retention, and alternately a homemade soothing skin lotion.

Cucumber which contains a valuable substance of silica, gives you the key component of healthy connective tissue, notably your muscles, cartilage, ligaments and bone. In addition to that, over 90% of cucumber’s flesh is primarily composed of water but also ascorbic acid (better known as Vitamin C), which gives your skin a natural glowing complexion. The ultimate distinct properties present in the cucumber like potassium, magnesium and fiber, can always be eaten raw, or pickled while greatly reduce the risk of hypertension.

Other known benefits of cucumber:

  • Slice fine layers of cucumber and let it rest on your eyes. It has been used traditionally to lighten your dark circles.
  • Raw cucumber juice helps to moderate nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
Partners in Crime: Mint Leaves
Let’s forget the minty moment in your vodka or cocktail. Why not treat yourself with a blend of splashing cool taste to your cucumber juice? After all, summer is arriving sooner than usual if you’ve been exhausted with workloads and micro-managing behaviour from your boss. Mint is known for its tension-releasing property.

Partners in Crime: Lemon
(optional for mint skeptics)
It gives your juice creation a zesty kick and considerably the best combination with cucumber juice for cleansing impurities and stimulating process of excess body fat.